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"Leipzig Workshop"
CLUVA Workshop on Urban Participatory Climate Change Adaptation Appraisal Methodology, Social Vulnerability, Institutions and Governance
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ
4-9th December 2011

- Workshop background
- Programme
- List of participants

Day 1
- Welcome
- Structure of the workshop
- Task 2.3-Social vulnerability assessment status
- Ouaga activities
- Some experiences of participatory approaches in the domain of water and risks managment

Day 2
- The CLUVA case studies
- WP 2.3-Social vulnerability
- Task 2.3-Social vulnerability: Preliminary findings on specific locations in Dar es Salaam
- Social vulnerability assessment: Case of Douala
- Vulnérabilité sociale a Ouagadougou

Day 3
- Climate change and urban governance in Africa
- Governance & urban planning: Tentative approach WP3/WP5
- Institutional assessment: Draft literature review
- BaltCICA approach to governance analysis
- Presentation on the assessment of institutional capacity of Addis Ababa to undertake climate change adaptation programs
- Presentation on the assessment of Institutional capacity of Dar Es Salaam to undertake climate change adaptation programs
- The case of land use development control in Dar es Salaam City
- Saint-Louis institutional assessment: review of methodology and results
- Presentation of research project "Water in urban governance: analysis of the system of decision in the Municipality of Saint-Louis

Day 4
- Social and ecosystem vulnerability and resilience